
Thursday, 17 March 2011

Work, work, work...

All I do is work lately. Planning, assessment, marking and making resources. When I am not working I do try and have a life but sometimes I am just so tired and went to spend all day in bed (I don't obviously as I would be judged to be lazy- bad times).

I am therefore having a short blog tonight, as you guessed it- I have a lot of work!!We have been asked to day to have lots of things ready for tomorrow and the person I work with (teaches the other class) is out to the theatre which was planned for ages. Therefore it comes down to me. To keep my mood up, I have turned to music. I'd like to share a song which I love and gets me singing along :-) I just love when iTunes is on random, it throws up some songs which I forgot about: this one included!


  1. I loooove this song! I remember when I used to play it over and over again! Ahhh the good times! You and I = great music taste :D

  2. We have indeed :-) Hope you're well!! Looking forward to hearing all about what you've been up to soon!

  3. Busy girl! Hope you take a little time for yourself soon, all work and no play isn't any fun!

  4. I have a day of fun planned for Saturday (hockey, friends and night out woo!). It gives me something to work towards. I just feel like I have so much to do and not enough time?! I think I will take your advice and have a night off to myself tomorrow!

    Hope all is well where you are...hope you feel less stressed about job/the dreaded p word. Take care!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @