
Monday, 7 March 2011


I have had such a long day today and my knee is definitely not showing any signs of improvement! I could barely walk on it and had to teach my after school hockey class sitting down! Luckily the kids are very well behaved and know exactly how to set the hall up now. I know... I'm a lucky teacher!! I then made last minute plans to see my friend for tea and gossip. I was feeling much better and then I read my comments to find I'd been given the Most Stylish Blogger award from a very good blogging friend Rebecca whose own blog is pretty fab!

Thank you!!!

Now with great awards comes great awards, come great responsibilities!!Therefore I will now follow the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person that awarded this to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 4 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

7 Random things about me:

- I only drink Vodka or Bacardi Razz...unless I'm drunk...then I have been known to drink beer and whiskey shots!

- People think they know me and can read me but they have no idea. Only my closest friend knows the real me.

- I talk a lot as I find silences uncomfortable.

- I am a beauty junkie!

- I ALWAYS have to have breakfast even if I'm running very late (unless I am hungover then it's just a cup of tea).

- I can't handle being cold if I'm sitting in the house/a room. I begin to get hypothermia symptoms- tiredness, paleness, making no sense etc.

- I love to travel but I'm always a little scared when I first arrive somewhere new.

There are many more but I shall save them for another time. You can't give everything away all at once!

Anyway, here are my 4 nominations for stylish blogger (As Rebecca has done- I too have cut the number to 4 and cheated a little.. don't tell):

KY - Travel Babbles (I love this blog: Very inspirational!)
A day in the Life of a Hockey Wife (My first blog friend :-): Again, such a real blog, it's brilliant!)
99 Lives- A fellow teacher so obviously great!
Tales of a Hockey Wife - Definitely one of the most entertaining blogs I read!


  1. I loooove Bacardi Razz --> that with Sprite and frozen berries is one of the best drinks ever! BUT I think even the smell of Whisky makes me gag...gross haha.

    [I love how we both cheat on the rules, but 15??? Seriously???]

  2. Yea I have it with lemonade too... never had berries but to be honest I hate lumps of fruit in drinks! Yea I'm not a whiskey drinker AT ALL but I was drunk and wasn't buying...oops!

    I know....hahahaha...far too many!! I'd be linking all night with that amount!! Hope you had a lovely weekend with your best friend visiting!

  3. You are awfully sweet, thank you Missy :o)

  4. Awww..thank you for the award and the shout out! I will return the favor for sure...and I have been know to drink beer and whiskey too....but I don't need to be drunk to do it.


  5. Awww, congrats!! You are definitely a very stylish blogger. More stylish than the peacock/lynx dress. ;)

  6. was the peacock/lynx dress which made me stylish! I'm sure of it! Therefore you did since you created the masterpiece!

  7. Yes, but the conversation with you inspired the peacock/lynx dress. So really you deserve a lot of the credit.

  8. Actually you're right....I do deserve most the credit I suppose haha!

  9. Yup, you're my muse. Of course, once I start making some $$$ on the design, you probably won't see a single penny. That's how the fashion business works.

  10. Shocking! I'll start speaking to lawyers now to get some things in place now I know your true intentions!

  11. Well, you inspired one dress, and as far as I know you need many dresses before even having access to a runway unless you can come up with more dresses on your own, looks like your lawyers can't really do much. MUHAHA!!!

  12. Oh man! You got me there...maybe I'll just stick to being the muse. I think it would work out best for everyone involved!

  13. On second thought, I could just find myself another muse... maybe it's time for this John to find himself another a better Yoko.

  14. I'll let you try but seriously, you're not going to find a better muse than me. I'm pretty sure on that one else could have came have inspired such a creation like I did. Maybe I'm a one hit wonder though? Oh no!

  15. No, I'm pretty sure you could inspire some great things. It's me that's been in a designing rut lately... no new dresses in the past weeks. You better turn those inspiration powers of yours own if we are going to get an entire collection.


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @