
Friday, 4 March 2011

Love has always been the message...

I received a new album the other day. For those who read my blog you will know how much I love a band called Bright Eyes. If you are new....well I love Bright Eyes!

I got their new album yesterday and the opening track has this man speaking. I'm not sure who he is or what he does but it grabs your attention. Then he says a line, which even the first time I heard it, stood out for me. It was:

"And love's always been the message. It's just - circumstances happen, right? People freak out, just flat flip out, you know?"

It's true, people always want love and believe in it and try and live to a certain state of love however circumstances change everything sometimes. Yesterday I blogged about children's views changing. This is very  much what happens in love. Love (in most cases) develops quite out of the blue whether instantly or over a long time. Neither of which people expect. It can all be great and then circumstances happen. I don't need to even give examples of this as I am pretty sure you could all give me a number of these which has affected love for you. How do we control that 'flip flap' and stop ourselves freaking out. I myself am a person who wants love yet as soon as it comes near for some reason or another I become self destructive and 'freak out'. Sometimes I am aware of it, other times I will reflect and think.. why on earth didn't I just admit to how I felt? Things could've been oh so different.

I know that we all have free choice but I hope that the thought everything happens for a reason is true... the thought that I have ruined something is just not good. If you are in love.. hold on tight and if you are still waiting then accept it when it happens. We don't want to flip out do we?


  1. Goooaaad, I know how you feel! I am right there, right now. . .falling for boy and f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g out about it :( He is amazing,Hands down. Me? Freaking out over "what if he doesn't want to be with me in the long run?" ugh. It is so silly. Very uncalled for. Ahhhh, but love is so good for us :)

  2. Unfortunately I am not at that point of self destruction at the moment! I have no love to destruct haha!! If it's meant to be I'm sure it will all work out :-) After the tough time you've had it's your turn for some happiness! Accept it and remember- Don't flip out! :-) x

  3. I used to be so self destructive when it came to love. I have trust issues (Major ones) and the ones that I really wanted to get close to I'd hold so far off that they gave up. I finally had to decide to open myself up to hurt because if I did start dating with the intention of love I knew I'd get hurt. I'm married now (I never thought I would be) and so in love, but it does hurt a lot sometimes. But then there's the love. And it doesn't hurt nearly as much as there is love. Bit you've got to be ready, and maybe you're not right now, and that's all good, too.

    BTW, I am your newest follower from the Weekend Wander. I'd love a follow back at Dropped Stitches. Thanks!!

  4. Wow Missy! This is powerful. I just listened to that video. I'm following you & happy to be a new friend :) I'm also a strong believer in Love as you'll find out from my blog.

    Thanks for this post.

  5. "I myself am a person who wants love yet as soon as it comes near for some reason or another I become self destructive and 'freak out'." So, so true Missy! Why do we do this? I still haven't figured why we run from the one thing we so desperately want and need.

    Visiting from FTLOB :)

  6. I'm a happily married women who is in love. How lucky is that? No I mean it - how lucky? How much of this is down to luck and how much down to brain chemistry or the moons place in the sky? Who knows what it is or why it comes with either a smile on its face or rivers of tears - but I say grab it. If it feels good and causes NO harm, keep it, if it hurts it ain't right. Flipping out however is mandatory! ;D Shah. X

  7. @ Erin- It's so nice to hear that you have managed to curb the trust issues and find that happiness :-)

    @ Katie- It's so powerful isn't it? When I first listend I just sat and was taken in. A lot of Bright Eyes stuff will make you truly think in good and bad ways. I would definitly check them out if you loved that!

    @ Ixy- I don't why we do it. I like to think its because we deep down know it's not right for us. That if we don't run, things would be even worse.

    @Shah- Congratulations on finding that special some one :-) I think we all kinda like to flip out every now and again... its make things a bit more dramatic and if there's one thing that I am (along with many women I bet) that's dramatic haha!


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @