
Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Do you want the truth or something beautiful?

Well...any thoughts? It's something we deal with day in day out. We ask questions to which we expect answers. Sometimes we like those answers, sometimes we don't and other times we just don't care. I was listening to a brilliant artist today called Paloma Faith and this song is one of my favourites:

It made me think hard about whether I do want the truth? I'll hold my hand up and say that there have been many a times I have asked questions and not got the answer I wanted. Sometimes I just think, "Oh well..." and others I realised I think, "Aw man...why did they have to tell the truth."

As many of you out there will agree with, sometimes 'something beautiful' is exactly what you need to hear. My life recently has been a bit all over the place and I sometimes think I would rather 1. Not know certain things or 2. Have had things spun into something which didn't upset me.

In school I tell kids not to lie and to always tell the truth but surely there are times when you are allowed, if not encouraged to lie:
-Does my bum look big in this?

-Have I put on weight?

-Do you like my new haircut?

-I love this dress...what do you think?

I could go on and on but you get the idea. Above are just a few questions where peoples feelings may affect answers. I know that some people will say you should never lie. However, I think if you're sensible and you're able to spin 'something beautiful' which doesn't put the person at a disadvantage or withhold important information but instead will make someone happy/smile then I say maybe a little dressing up of answers to questions is needed once in a while.

At my lowest point, when asking questions which may have came with tough answers, people have talked it up a little and that resulted in me feeling better about myself and the situation itself. For this I am grateful, my friends saw that I was at a low point and instead of living by 'tell the truth' they managed the situation and were able to make me feel better. After all that is what we want - to feel good and happy. If you can do that without problem then do it. If people are like me they will be thankful for it!

I mean lets not forget about one of the biggest 'beautiful' answers to a question: " Yes, Santa lives in the North Pole and will get your letter!! Keep an eye out as I am sure he'll write back!"

Before I go, just need to say a 'Bon Voyage' to Miss Faux Fur who is off for a mini break in Paris. Have fun!

How about you: Ever beautified something which you feel helped someone?

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I don't always want the truth. Sometimes, I ask questions, because they are in my head, but I'd rather not hear an answer, someone's thoughts on it, or the truth to them. Some things should remain unanswered or should be answered in favor of something to make me feel better. Then, there is always that way of telling the truth in more positive words --> glass half full in answers. God gave us a large vocabulary and different tones of voice in order to say the same things in a million different ways. I suggest people make use of that wisely :)


Thank you for your comments. I love reading yor responses and I will reply to each one. If you want to email me directly you can do so at: takeallchances @