
Thursday, 10 February 2011

My life...

I was frantically ticking and stamping while marking at school today and thought about how much time I spend in my classroom. It's funny because as stressful as my job is, my classroom feels so peaceful. When I'm in school and feel stressed, I can just go to my room and potter around and it calms me. I think I actually love it! I thought I would share my world with you. 

My Classroom

View as you enter...notice all the tables- and that's not even all of them!

Front of class- you'll have to excuse my messy desk!! It serves as a dumping ground as the day progresses!

More displays and brightness (plus the ever moving whiteboard haha!)!  

It's all so bright and I can't help but smile when I look at all the work :-) I think it kinda reflects my personality all the displays and they way they are all arranged. I even have a pink class notice board!!


  1. I absolutely love your classroom! Little shot of inspiration and excitement for student teaching!!!

  2. That's a very beautiful and colorful aka kids friendly classroom!

  3. Love it - so colorful and kid friendly! I miss being my own classroom! :)

    Bernadette - new follower

  4. Thanks:-) I remember how excited I was to get my own classroom with my own cupboard! As a teacher I'm sure you'll appreciate the excitement of your own classroom cupboard! haha!


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