
Sunday, 6 February 2011


I was chatting tonight to someone I know starting driving lessons and they were saying how scared they were about it. They said that since they were scared about driving fast and now they were older this was a big deal. It was likened to riding a bike. When they were young, they would just ride their bike without fear, at all speeds, round all corners and not care. Years later they were on a bike and heading towards a corner when suddenly the thought -"Oh crap...what if I fall off?!" came into their mind. 

As we get older, or fear of things grow. When you're young, you're fearless and will do anything. Where does that go? Why do you stop feeling fearless and begin to worry? Is it because you begin to understand the pain which humans can experience or do is it just a natural adult thing to do? I don't know but I find it strange. I wish we just all had that fearless streak our whole lives. Sometimes not knowing what the fall could be makes it easier to handle. As previously mentioned, I'd like to challenge myself more this year and this will only happen if I can somehow get my own fearless streak back which I possessed as a child. Maybe this will be unsuccessful but maybe it wont. But I'll give it a go. At the end of the day we all each some defining point in our life where something is so scary but we just have to jump.

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