
Monday, 24 January 2011

I'm lost but I'm hopeful...

Today has been one of those days...the type where nothing goes wrong but you end it by feeling particularly wound up and frustrated. The weekend didn't set me up the best but that's a continual issue which isn't going to just vanish. Work has just been one thing after another and this year I have extra responsibilities for co-ordinating different things in school which are quite demanding. I am also in the process of applying for a teaching job abroad (boooo C.V's!!)! Soooo all in all there's a lot of stuff for teeny me to be dealing with. To just make my day sound even better....yes you will be jealous...I spent my lunch time in the PE cupboard tidying it up since no-one in my school understands what boxes and shelves are for!Told you you'd be jealous haha!!

After the special day which I had I came home to work and work and work ..... I was just about to continue with my CV and I turned a music channel on. The song which came on was a favourite of mine but one which doesn't instantly spring to mind when I need a pick me up. I found myself singing along and actually SMILING to it!! The song was by Alanis Morissette called 'Hand in My Pocket'.

I kinda like to think that the whole song is about this:
Life throws crap at you, you don' really know what to do, you struggle, you cry, you feel good, you feel bad and confused BUT everyone is the same. To quote:

"And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet"

Does that just not sound the best life lesson ever?! It's all gonna be fine and honestly those people who look together and fine really don't get it either. To be honest I don't think we ever get it...maybe your last moment on Earth you get this blinding moment of reality and think..."Ahh so this is what it was all about?"

If you've never heard the song please take a listen- it's amazing! 


  1. I just came across your blog via "A day in the life of a hockey wife" and find myself understanding most of what you're saying or feeling. I may not be in the same situation exactly but I definitely understand a lot of the emotions you're feeling about things, especially relationships. Hope you don't mind that I decided to follow your blog

    Caite :)

  2. Noooo ... I don't mind at all that you're following :-) It's nice to know the feelings are relatable! Thanks!


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