
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

A photo speaks a thousand words...

I was showing a friend some photos today of different people and places I visited. Many a times when I look at photos, I spot random people in the background or I see things I never noticed when I was at that exact place. It makes me wonder how many people's photos am I part of? Not just any photos, what about those special photos which we treasure? 

I had someone look through some of the photos in my phone the other day and I launched myself to get it back from them. There was nothing to be worried about seeing but I kinda felt like they were reading my diary. After all, my photos document my life. I am happy to share but only when asked or when I allow someone to look at them. 

I then decided that I wanted to share some of my snaps with you all to let you see what I've been up. While choosing some, I realised that a lot of my shots were food into that what you will!

In my montage I have images of wedding dress shopping as my twin is marrying net year, limited edition Vodka which I sent to my brother, concert photos from Westlife and Coldplay as well as Union Square in NYC. There are a few others in there my 'work' cup which tells people to obey me. Obviously this is highly appropriate as a teacher.

I would love to have some of you share your life photos so feel free to post links in comments!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Secret wants...

“Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken.”

Jack Kerouac

I strive to get things I want. I am the type of person who wants things but feels like I can never quite get there which frustrates me. However, as the above quote states, sometimes we get given something and we run a mile. I myself did this exact thing very recently. Something which I'd wanted I was offered and I freaked out and ran (in the metaphorical sense). I don't know why, I can only explain that I felt panicked by it. Like, if I took it then what was I going to work towards then? What if it wasn't as good as I expected and therefore spoilt the illusion?  

I know I sound crazy... maybe I am? But I just can't get past something to allow myself to get it. Maybe there's something there or maybe it's just not the opportunity at the right time for me. Who knows, it could be something which I will look back at and think I should've gone for or when something else arrives I will realise that everything else was wrong for me. Obviously as it's a secret want I will not be sharing, afterall that may be bad luck!

Have you ever felt like you've made the wrong choice only for something better and more 'you' to come along?

Friday, 8 June 2012

NYC stole my heart...

New York City gets me and I just don't know why. Being the type of person I am, I should really hate the place with its busy streets, in your face sellers and lack of good chocolate. But I don't.

Every time I go there it gets me and it steals a little bit more of me. Of course living somewhere is a whole lot different to holidaying there but sometimes you just get this feeling about a place. I have that about NYC. I have this excitement coupled with contentment. I know that I couldn't live it long term, that's not what I want. A year or two would suffice, just to live that city life I seem to be craving. 

In my trip this time, I managed to head to DUMBO area (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and take in spectacular views of Manhattan. I also visited Grimaldi's Pizza Place. I can confirm that it is awesome and well worth a wait time. I visited an amazing place called Max Brenners which is basically a chocolate lovers heaven. I had a hot chocolate in a 'hug mug' and chocolate laden crepes. Yes, I loved it and gained a much needed sugar rush. 

Hug the mug...
Marshmallow and chocolate crepe...

Of course a visit to NYC would not be complete without some nights out...which when in NYC seem to last until the next morning. You can always find somewhere to drink and if you know someone in a bar that is even easier. I have a few friends out there... barmen and business types so I get looked after very well which is nice when you're away from home. I already have a nice little network out there.  

It was an amazing time and I just feel so contented for having been so lucky to get there again and to have a break from the frantic pace which my life appears to have gained since January. Now it's time to deal with jet lag and get working hard before my next adventure.

Do you have a holiday destination which feels like a home away from home?

Don't forget you can find me ... and follow me... on Twitter here:

Monday, 4 June 2012

NYC Update...

Quick update for you all. I'm currently resting my feet before heading out for food and drinks in NYC. I've been here a couple of days and I'm loving it - as always. It's so nice to get away from home for a bit at the moment. As selfish as that sounds it's not meant to be. It's just nice to have a break from the daily stresses and family problems. Things are still looking up and my brother is doing well which makes taking a break from home much easier. I've done lots of walking so far and today visited St Patricks cathedral to reflect. It was so peaceful...if up could block out all the tourists taking numerous photos! I also, aft the recommendation of a good friend, had lunch in The Cupping Room in SoHo which was fabulous. I have so much fun in this city. I tried to upload photos but my IPad does not want to play. I'll keep those for my home update.